Saturday, May 23, 2020
Planning Stage At North West Shelf - 818 Words
PLANNING STAGE Part A The planning stage in any project life cycle must be undertaken in an ethical manner so as to ensure an acceptable company image. The ethical issue noticed in this stage was minor oil spills that occurred during transportation, through leakage, jettisoning or collision (Woodside 2006). It is observed that the utilitarian approach adopted in this project is highly valued in economic terms; it must be tailored to incorporate ecological issues (Bentham). They choose the course of action that provides the greatest benefits after the costs have been taken into account (Capsim 2011). Company could have planned for onsite hook up and commissioning up techniques to avoid oil spills. This could increase the budget of the project (John Claridge 1982). The main interest of the shareholders in North West Shelf should be to fulfil their obligation to meet the quality standards. But, stakeholders want to finish project with less budget and timeframe (John Claridge 1982). However, primary stakehol ders identified as communities in the area, are affected by the pollution released by the processing plants (Impact Assessment and Risk Significance 2007). Hedonistic calculus is used to determine whether above action produced more pleasure or pain (Appendix E). PART B A number of recommendations can be made in order to improve the ethical conduct within this project management issue. During the planning stage, a number of alternatives should have been presented to theShow MoreRelatedMulti Rural Tourism Through Zone â… And Zone â… ¢1855 Words  | 8 Pagesinvestment chances and settlement of rural labor and revival of rural life in a new form in accordance with the needs of modern rural tourism (Warnich Verster, 2005)- (Alampay Rieder, 2008). The same thing will be achieved when accomplishing the third stage of the scenario of the back region â€Å"zone â… ¢Ã¢â‚¬ and linking it with the rural mountain corridor. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Diverse Learning Styles Essay - 2748 Words
The way a person best retains information is considered to be their preferred learning style (Irvine York 1995). Knowing what learning style best fits with a student inside your classroom is important. Being conscious of how a student best learns will help the teacher plan how to provide the student with the knowledge that is needed to be learned in ways that best suits each student. Knowing students’ learning styles can help in many ways to enhance both learning and teaching. Plenty of research has been done about how people learn and how the information is relayed to them. In result of the research, different tools have been created to categorize these learning styles and help people understand what style best fits them. There are†¦show more content†¦Finally, tactile/kinesthetic learners, are better at learning material by using their body. This child will better understand material if they can touch it, and have hands-on activities (Bisson, 2002). As a teacher, understanding and having information about how your students best learn material and what their strengths and weaknesses are in the classroom will help insure that learning is taking place. Unfortunately, there are students in our classrooms who are not learning materials teachers are teaching; whether it is because the student finds the material difficult or it may be the way it is being taught to them. The most important goal as a teacher is to make sure every student in your classroom is learning and you are helping them be successful in education. As teachers we need to do whatever we can to make sure each student comprehends our content. Educators need to know about the different types of learners styles and be educated on what makes someone an auditory, visual or a tactile/kinesthetic learner. Once you understand each style and before we can adjust our lesson plans, we need to assess our students and determine who learns in what way the best. In order to address learning styles, teachers must be able to determine what method of learning each individual student prefers. Individual assessments are one way a teacher can look at these preferred styles. Lederhouse (2003), a researcher who did a study on the factorsShow MoreRelatedLearning Styles And Plan For Diverse Learners1285 Words  | 6 PagesThe research has proved that teachers should be instructing and assessing for diverse learners. â€Å"However, few teachers are adequately prepared to effectively teacher diverse learners.†(Edyburn, 2011, p. 38). Professors subconsciously plan to teach to the top students and view any diverse learners as a class weakness or as someone else’s problem. 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The very fact that people learn things differently and some students master theRead MoreDiversity in the Classroom1546 Words  | 7 Pagesiverse learning profiles in the class roomDiverse Learning Profiles in the Classroom By Phillip Anton INTRODUCTION Teachers are faced with the challenge of students bringing with them, vastly different experiences, cultures, interests and abilities. These characteristics can have a great impact on how students learn. Teaching to such a diverse group requires teachers to be more flexible and place a greater emphasis on the individual. Through the aid of variety and choice, teachers can differentiateRead More Personal Statement of Teaching Philosophy Essay986 Words  | 4 Pagesstudents to think and learn for themselves.nbsp; This goal is as simple as it is illusive. The more experience I have as a teacher, the more I understand that there is no one-way of achieving my aim.nbsp; Clearly, the proper focus of education is learning, not teaching; but I know that it is within a teachers power-and thus it is the teachers responsibility-to create the conditions necessary to allow students to learn.nbsp; How best to create these conditions is the question.nbsp; Although doing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blast Furnace Free Essays
The Usage of Blast Furnace What is a Blast Furnace? A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial metals, generally iron. In a blast furnace, fuel, ore, and flux (limestone) are continuously supplied through the top of the furnace, while air (sometimes with oxygen enrichment) is blown into the lower section of the furnace, so that the chemical reactions take place throughout the furnace as the material moves downward. In the blast furnace, it is so hot that carbon monoxide can be used to reduce the iron oxide in place of carbon: iron oxide + carbon monoxide iron + carbon dioxide Fe2O3 + 3CO 2Fe + 3CO2 What is it used for/ Why is it used? A blast furnace is used to extract iron by literally melting it out of iron ore. We will write a custom essay sample on Blast Furnace or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hot enough to liquefy iron, a blast furnace combines iron ore with other materials such as charcoal, coal and limestone. Then waves of extremely hot air are blasted into the furnace. This heat causes calcium in the limestone to combine with silicates from the other materials, creating slag. As these materials combine, liquid iron collects at the bottom of the furnace underneath the slag. Once enough liquid iron collects, it is let out of the blast furnace and mixed with sand. As it cools and hardens, the result is an intermediate material known as pig iron, which can be transformed into a number of useful forms of iron. Who invented the first Blast Furnace? The process of refining molten iron with blasts of air was accomplished by the British inventor Sir Henry Bessemer who developed the Bessemer furnace, in 1855. He was a prolific inventor, but is best known for his process for the manufacture of steel. Modern steel-making employs blast furnaces that are merely refinements of the furnaces used by the old ironworkers. Function:| noun / furnace named after its Inventor| Definition:| Modern steel-making employs blast furnaces that are merely refinements of the furnaces used by the old ironworkers. This process of refining molten iron with blasts of air was accomplished by the Bessemer furnace, or converter. | The Red bits are extra info, if needed!? How to cite Blast Furnace, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Case study on Strategies in HR Management of Labor Market Analysis Cas
Question: Describes the results of your assessment of the labor market from which your selected organization draws candidates for open positions. Explains the population, demographics of the population, levels of education, and how much training may be required to prepare new workers drawn from this pool for positions in the firm. Uses regional economic corporations, US Department of Labor and other sources to provide data. Answer: Introduction In the recent years the labor market of USA has been experiencing a growth in the employment opportunity by 58% majorly in the private sectors. However the rate of unemployment is USA remains unchanged due to the fact that the government sectors are shedding a large number of employees every year (Dreher Dougherty, 2002). The assignment here deals with the analysis of the US labor market in context of the open recruitment of the US based online shopping company Zappos Inc. Labor market analysis is an online retail outlet dealing in the sale of clothes and shoes. The company has recruits a diverse range of fresh talents from the US market for the various departments namely the technological department, finance, creative, legal and education, merchandising, HR and marketing, customer call centers and also fresh graduates for internship purposes (Dreher Dougherty, 2002). The company draws 60%of its labor force from the young labor market of Las Vegas and US. According to Dreher Dougherty (2002) the minimum educational qualification for this labor market is less than high school. Especially for recruitment of merchandising department low educational qualification is not a bar. On June 2013 around 195,000 jobs were added in US economy however due to the increasing size of the population the unemployment rate remain unchanged at 7.6% (, 2015). Workforce statistics of US retail sector Due the rapid employee turnover in the retail sector the following table shows the high rate of employment in the different departments of retail companies in 2013. To manage the volatile labor market and meet the high customer demand Zappos among other online retail companies focus on aggressive recruitment strategies. Data name Sep 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Employment (Excluding seasonal adjustments) 15415.3 15447.9 15502.3 15511.3 Unemployment rate 6.5% 5.1% 5.8% 5.1% Job openings 586 540 459 456 Hires 701 978 1020 1121 Separations 674 711 632 526 Table1: Workforce statistics of US retail sector (Source:, 2015) Employment by occupation in retail sector Data names Employment approx positions as per 2013 Cashiers 2755130 Merchandise clerks and order fillers 1104491 Retail sales representatives 4196800 Floor managers and supervisors 1104490 Customer care representatives 294270 Table 2: Employment by occupation in retail sector (Source:, 2015) Figure 1 : US labor force by occupation (Source:, 2015) Analysis of Population, demographics, education and training for Zappos Inc Population of US labor market: As per the data of World Bank, the total population of the USA labor market consists of around 158,959,242 comprising of people ranging from age group of 14 year to 65 years. The total population includes both employed and unemployed workforce and also the seasonal workers, first time job seekers and part time workers. Zappos selects the workers from the vast labor force on the basis of educational qualification, age and experience. Demographic factors: Age: Younger age group is a major component of the retail industry. Zappos employs around 50% of the total employees from the age group between 14 to 34 years. The primary segments of employees ranging from 14 to 18 years are generally the school students employed as interns or part time sales representatives. The higher segment of the age group ranging from 35 to 64 years are generally employed in the higher positions of creative mangers, technological departments, marketing and PR departs and legal departments. The middle age employees between 25 to 35 years are employed for the general positions of floor managers and HR managers. Figure 2: Age wise division of employees (Source:, 2015) Sex: The employee base in the retail sector generally constitute of majority of male workers. Dreher Dougherty (2002) opined because of inflexible working hours, monthly targets and uncomfortable working atmosphere the number of female applicants for retail jobs are considerably low. Zappos records around 64% of male employees in all departments and majority in the merchandising and sales departments The reaming 36% is accounted for female employees with majority employees working in creative, HR, legal and PR departments. Figure 3: Gender of employees (Source:,2015) Education Job designations Education level Sales and merchandising representatives Entry level school education Technological assistants Masters in Technology, software engineers, Hardware engineers Shop cashiers Entry level education in accounting Finance department Masters in Business administration (specialization in Finance), Degree in corporate finance, Certified Public accountant (CPA), Certified Financial analyst (CFA) Marketing and advertising Bachelors in marketing degree, Masters of Business administration (marketing specialization) Legal department Chartered Institute of legal executives, graduate diploma in law Training: According to Dreher Dougherty (2002) the first time job seekers and the work force within the age range of 14 to 22 years are given extensive training by the retail companies. Zappos in this respect provides on the job training for sales employees. The management arranges for culture camps, mentorship programs, four week new hiring trainings, call centre trainings and leadership programs for the new recruits. Conclusion The analysis of the overall US market shows that the retail sector generally recruits at a high rate. However the employee turnover rate is high due to the lack of incentives, good salary structure and the lack of appropriate education. The assignment gives an overview of the labor market of Zappos and helps in understanding the overall market situation. Reference list Book Dreher, G., Dougherty, T. (2002). Human resource strategy: A behavioral perspective for the general manager Boston, MA : McGraw-Hill/Irwin Websites,. (2015).Labor force, total | Data | Table. Retrieved 20 January 2015, from (2015). Retrieved 20 January 2015, from Websites,. (2015).Online Shoes, Clothing, Free Shipping and Returns| Retrieved 20 January 2015, from
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